quinta-feira, 19 de março de 2009

Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act
Most doctors commonly warn their patients never to take antibiotics if they are not actually sick. Yet that is exactly what is happening on industrial farms where animals are given low doses of antibiotics over long periods of time to speed growth and to compensate for unsanitary and crowded conditions.
As a result, new deadly strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria develop in the animals and can transfer to people through contact with the animals, eating and handling the meat, eating food grown in contaminated manure, or drinking water polluted by farm runoff. Once the bacteria are loose in the environment, they can breed even more resistance that could balloon into a major health crisis.
On Tuesday morning U.S. Representative Louise Slaughter introduced the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act of 2009 (PAMTA). The bill would phase out the routine use of human medicines in livestock, except when needed to treat sick animals.

Stop Puppy Mills - Five Things You Can Do

The pledge to stop puppy mills!
Don't Buy a Puppy Before Reading This.

Stop Canada's 2009 Commercial Seal Hunt

A Call for a Global Whale Sanctuary Now

Urge the USDA to Revoke the License of Notorious Elephant Abuser

Tell Unilever to Stop Pig Abuse

Join Nigel Barker: Take the No Shark Fin Pledge!

Sign the Petition to Stop the Cruel Slaughter of Seals

Sign the Petition to Stop the Cruel Slaughter of Seals (Care2)

Tell the EPA: Efficient Cars Now

Take Action to Save the Lowcountry

Take Action to Keep TN Singing!

Show Me Your Solutions

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