segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2009

Ask Nepal to prevent animal cruelty during the Gadhimai Jatra festival

Ask for renewable energy that keeps wildlands and wildlife safe

End Water Pollution from Mountaintop Removal Mining

Important Brookstone News: Snails Will No Longer Suffer and Die

Stop Hunters in New South Wales!

Ask Saginaw Valley State to End Cruel Classroom Experiments

Tell Your Senators to Act Against Global Warming

Pacific Walrus (Photo: USFWS)

Walruses, polar bears, sea birds and other wildlife are struggling in a warming world.

Please write your senators and urge them to support decisive action to reduce carbon emissions and help our wildlife survive the impacts of global warming.

Bring Back the “Twilight” Wolves

Gray Wolf (FWS, effected)

Help End Aerial Wolf Killing: Urge Your Representative and Senators to Co-Sponsor the PAW Act

Help Animals Suffering in University of Utah Laboratories

Undercover Investigation Reveals Cruelty and Neglect in Utah Lab

sexta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2009

Don’t Schoolchildren Deserve the Option of Healthy Alternatives to Cows’ Milk?

Urge Secretary of State Clinton to Reject Deadly Tar Sands Oil Pipelines

End Alaska's Awful Aerial Wolf Killing Programs -- Support the PAW Act!

Madang, Papua New Guinea's Mighty Ramu River Rainforests, Carbon and Peoples Threatened by Timber Mafia & Government Corruption

Protect Sea Otters in Bristol Bay from Drilling

Help Stop the Building of a Primate Breeding Facility in the City of Guayama

End the Use of Pigs in Vanderbilt's Trauma Training Program
Update: Brookstone Employees Leave Sick Animals on Store Shelves

'Bambi Butchers' Horror
Link 1 :
Link 2 :

'Eight Belles' Should Sound the End of Racetrack Betting

'Meat's Not Green' Petition

'Sugar' Shane Mosley KOs Dogfighting
Link 1 :
Link 2 :

'Washington Post' Investigation Reveals Government Testing Sham

Ask Petland to End Rabbit Sales After Employee Rabbit Killings

Stop Military Bomb Experiments on Live Animals

Update: Brookstone Employees Leave Sick Animals on Store Shelves

Tell Fort Sam Houston to Stop Cutting Off Living Goats' Limbs!

Exposed: Pigs Are Dying Aboard U.S. Military Bound Cargo Ships

Tell Fort Dix to Stop Burning and Stabbing Live Animals

Update: Brookstone Employees Leave Sick Animals on Store Shelves

Tell Fort Dix to Stop Burning and Stabbing Live Animals

Urge Gov. Doyle to Boycott The Great Circus Parade

Urge Benetton to Drop the Fur!

Monkeys in Army Lab Need Your Help!

Urge Smithfield To Keep Its Promise to Eliminate Cruel Crates!

Ask Talbots to Help End Australian Lamb Mutilation

Undercover Investigation Reveals That Ringling Beats Elephants

Permanently Ban Ivory Sales

End Mountain Top Removal

Press Senate on Climate Bill

Tell Hallmark to Stop Exploiting Chimpanzees

Stop Overusing Antibiotics on Healthy Farm Animals

Save Southern and Midwestern Freshwater Turtles From Harvesting

domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009

The Woof Petition
The only difference between pigs and dogs is the way we treat them. On factory farms, mother pigs spend their days and nights on the cold concrete floors of tiny metal boxes called "gestation crates" (or "farrowing crates"). The crates are so small that the pigs can't even turn around—but they spend most of their lives in there.

Save California's State Parks

Stop Tongass Logging Plan

Reinstate Federal Protections for the wolves in the Norther Rockies

Mining Plan Threatens Lake

Ban Aerial Wolf Hunting

Save Arctic Wildlife from Shipping

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2009

Ask USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack to Help Elephants Tina and Jewel

Tell Puerto Rico to Stop Monkey-Breeding Facility

Help Ban Bullfighting

Prevent a Catastrophic Oil

Stand up and salute the governors of the seven states involved. They should continue with this good work!

Help Save Wildlife Threatened by Global Warming
Protect Forest Critters and Public Lands

Protect the Tongass Forest

Take Climate Action

Global Warming Endangers Frogs

Urge Texas Lottery Commission to Yank Elephant Ad!

Madang, Papua New Guinea's Mighty Ramu River Rainforests, Carbon and Peoples Threatened by Timber Mafia & Government Corruption

Sign up for a Vessel Watch trip to the Farallon Islands!

Stop Waste Dump in Our Water

Big Oil Threatens Sea Otters

Visit the Great Bear Rainforest to watch, not kill, bears

Swiss Francs Threaten Indonesian Rainforests

End the Use of Pigs in Vanderbilt's Trauma Training Program

Include Non-Dairy Alternatives in the Child Nutrition Act

Tell the USDA You Want to Know How Animals Are Raised

NO on S. 527

Downed Animal Protection - No Downers Campaign

Downed Animal Protection

Email McDonald's and urge them to take a stand against cloning.

End use of live animals in combat trauma training

Preserve Antibiotics
As factory farms have crammed more and more animals into tighter and tighter spaces, modern pharmaceuticals have become regular tools of the trade. But this mad science has hatched unintended consequences: more germs that are resistant to antibiotics. Now legislation has been introduced in Congress to stop this reckless behavior. Take action!

End the Use of Sheep in Trauma Training at Mass General

Please Cosponsor HR. 992 / S. 414

Vote Yes on HR 503 to protect horses

Restore Conservation Funding for Our National Parks and other Public Lands

quarta-feira, 24 de junho de 2009

Please take a moment to speak up for Tony by sending an email to the following people:

J. Mitchell Ourso, Iberville Parish President:

Maria Davidson, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries:

Send a letter to Governor Bobby Jindal here.

Keep Admitted Pig Abuser Jordan Anderson Away From Animals!
Protect American Wildlife from Global Warming

Madagascar: Daewoo's Rainforest Land Grab in Nature's Paradise

Stop The Omak Suicide Race!

Urge Your Representative to Co-Sponsor the Whale Conservation and Protection Act of 2009

Stop Iceland from Killing Endangered Whales

Urge Your Senator to Help Save Cats and Rare Canines from Extinction

Humpbacks get reprieve but Japan is still targeting almost 1,000 whales

Save Jaguars and Other Borderlands Wildlife

Save Frogs and Protect Human Health

quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2009

Tell Switzerland: Don't Support Commercial Whaling!

Tell Denmark: Don't Support Greenland's Commercial Whaling!

Protect Montana's Glacier National Park from Canadian strip-mining pollution

Tell Obama: Ban on Torture Should Include Animals!

Global Warming Action

Cap Global Warming Pollution Now

Block Amendment to Allow More Florida Oil Drilling

Please Stop Mass Dog Culls Like the One in Hanzhong City

Demand Action on Global Warming

Support the American Clean Energy and Security Act

sábado, 13 de junho de 2009

Save the Flat-tailed Horned Lizard from Urban Development

Slaughterhouses: Where Racehorses Go to Retire

Support Conservation and Collaboration in the Tongass

Speak Out for Our Bats: Bats play an essential role in healthy ecosystems and should be protected.

Violence Flares as Peru's Government Fires Upon Indigenous Peoples Protecting Their Rainforest Homes

Stand with Chinese Activists Against Cruel Dog Culls

Tell the EPA to create strong regulations for greenhouse gases

Stop Ringling Bros.' Expansion Near New York City - No Animal Abuse!

Help Farm Sanctuary Save Sheep from Cruel and Unnecessary Training Exercises

Save Lions From Carbofuran Pesticide Poisoning!

Ask Washington Group to Bench Cruel 'Donkey Baseball' Game

Tell Federal Women's Prison in Minnesota to Stop Using Glue Traps!

Tell Veterinarian Group to Stop Promoting Animal Abuse!

quinta-feira, 4 de junho de 2009

Join the Movement to Protect Feral Cats
NO BIOMASS/NO BURNING CAMPAIGN: Uproar as Massachusetts Poised to Destroy Forests for "Renewable" Electricity

Stop Iceland's Whale Hunting

Congress Must Act to Protect Former Pets from Research

Sign the Petition: That’s NOT Natural!

Stop the trophy hunting of bears in the Great Bear Rainforest ahead of the 2010 Olympics

standing bear

British Columbia, Canada, is the host of the 2010 Winter Olympics. It is also home to the Great Bear Rainforest—one of the last tracts of temperate rainforest on earth.

You might think that here, bears could live in peace. But each year, trophy hunters slaughter black and grizzly bears with rifles and crossbows for entertainment. Unless we act now, there may one day be a Great Bear Rainforest without bears.

IDA Tracks Davenport Elephants To Massachusetts
Finds Tina, Queenie and an emaciated Jewel at Shrine Circus in Springfield in serious jeopardy: tell USDA to confiscate them NOW!

Massachusetts: Protect Farm Animals From Cruel Confinement

Speak Out for Wildlife in a Warming World

Petition for the Birds
The Federal Communications Commission has replied to a petition filed by Defenders, American Bird Conservancy and National Audubon Society to address fatal migratory bird collisions with the 100,000 communications towers across the U.S by opening a public comment period. The petition was accompanied by more than 15,000 signatures from citizens (including more than 11,000 Defenders supporters) concerned about our feathered friends.

Protect the Grand Canyon from Uranium Mining!

Help Stop New Ringling Bros. Wii Game!

Malaysian Govt. Denies Well Documented Oil Palm Development Plans in Brazilian Amazon

Save Critical Habitat for the Florida Panther

End "Finning" -- Save the Sharks!

Help Protect America's Wetlands

Stop Mercury Pollution from Chlorine Plants

Help End the Use of Sheep for Trauma Training at Mass General

Live Cats Used in Cruel Training Courses at Texas Tech

Tell Sprint Nextel Corporation to Stop Exploiting Chimpanzees!

Tell Congress you want action on global warming

Show your Support for Great Apes

End the Use of Sheep in Trauma Training at Mass General

Save Seals by Boycotting Canadian Maple Syrup

Protect Polar Bears From Global Warming

Please ask your Representative to help sea otter recovery by cosponsoring the Southern Sea Otter Recovery and Research Act (H.R. 556).

Congress Must Act to Protect Former Pets from Research

Tell Pier 1 Imports to Stop Exploiting Elephants!

No Profit For Pain: Deny License Renewals for AWA Violators

Pigs Mutilated in University of Washington Experiments

CT Residents: Voice your Support for Student Choice Bill

Great Ape Protection Act Reintroduced!

Save the Western Gray Whale from Extinction!

Save Endangered Species in Malaysia from Unnecessary Logging!
Make a New Year's Resolution You Can Keep: Take the Leap to Cruelty-Free Products!
We all make New Year's resolutions to help better ourselves, but why not make one to help animals, too? Hundreds of thousands of animals, including rabbits, mice, and rats, suffer in unnecessary experiments to test cosmetic and household products , 2008-12-29. Take Action »

Animal Casualties: In the Line of Military Fire
While some may argue that the U.S. has one of the strongest, most technically advanced militaries in the world, it continues to embrace archaic teaching and combat training methods that involve the lethal use of animals. Despite the availability of s , 2008-10-15. Take Action »

Ask Clinique to Join the Leaping Bunny Program
On its website, Clinique, a company that produces high-end cosmetics and perfumes, states that it does not test its products on animals or ask others to test on its behalf. With the countless number of animals used in toxicity testing today, this is , 2008-08-04. Take Action »

Mars Candy, Anything But Sweet
Over the past year, there has been mounting evidence that Mars, Inc., manufacturer of candy, including M&M's, Snickers, Twix, Three Musketeers, Starburst, and Skittles, is funding deadly animal experiments, despite the fact that no law requir , 2008-08-04. Take Action »

Animal Cruelty is Not for Sale: Support the Animal Protection Accountability Improvement Act!
The Animal Protection Accountability Improvement Act would amend the Animal Welfare Act to prohibit the use of live animals for marketing medical devices. Please contact your U.S. Representative and ask him/her to co-sponsor this im , 2008-08-04. Take Action »

See What McDonald's is Made Of
Will McDonald's be made of clones? As part of the company's recently launched “See What We're Made Of” campaign, consumers are invited to learn about the ingredients that make up McDonald's menu. , 2008-06-13. Take Action »
Take the Leap to Cruelty-Free Products
MI Residents: Help Stop the Sale of Shelter Animals to Research
Michigan legislators are now considering legislation that would prohibit the purchase or sale of animals from shelters to research facilities. This important legislation introduced by Representative John Espinoza (D-83), H.B. 4663, will ensure , 2009-03-27. Take Action »

MI Residents: End Pound Seizure in Montcalm County!
On March 25, an ad hoc committee tasked with studying Montcalm County's contract with R&R Research voted to submit a recommended plan to the Board of Commissioners that eliminates the contract as of April 30. This plan will prevent the releas , 2009-03-27. Take Action »

CT Residents: Support Student Choice Bill
Recently, the Connecticut House of Representatives passed legislation
(HB6565) that would grant students the right to choose not to harmanimals if they have ethical objections. The bill passed the House byan overwhelmingly positive vote of 114-3 , 2009-06-02. Take Action »

quinta-feira, 7 de maio de 2009

Charge Smithfield: Pork Producers Should Pay for Swine Flu

Only Two Days to Save the Polar Bear

End the Seal Hunt:Support the Harb Seal Bill!

Change military policy about animals

Urge the Obama Administration to Give Polar Bears the Protection They Need

Action Alert: Malaysian Oil Palm Threatens Brazilian Amazon

Protect the peace of this Oregon Forest

Save Bats From White-nose Syndrome and Extinction
Urge President Obama to Stand Up for Wolves

60 Days to Save the Polar Bear

Reinstate Moratorium on Outer Continental Shelf Oil Drilling

Tell Obama: Ban on Torture Should Include Animals!

Stop Shelter Animals From Being Sold for Research!

Help Wild Horses From Dying at the Hands of the U.S. Government

Tell Feds to Pull the Plug on Dangerous Animal Exhibitor

Live Dogs Mutilated and Abused in Ohio State University Laboratory

Pledge to Be Veg for 'Meat's Not Green' Week

Join Bushfires and Scientists in Condemning Australian Climate Change Policy

Protect African Elephants' Food Sources

Crack Down on Puppy Mills in California

Stop the Slaughter and Imprisoning of Thousands of Wild Horses & Burros

Senate Bill (S. 727) to Ban Horse Slaughter Introduced

Help Outlaw Random Source Class B Dealers!

MI Residents: Help Stop the Sale of Shelter Animals to Research

Petition to Protect the Verde River

Save Pigs from Trauma Training at North Dakota State University

Join Jeff Corwin to Help Save Wildlife Threatened by Global Warming

Urge the Obama Administration to Give Polar Bears the Protection They Need

Stop Ringling Bros.' Expansion on Coney Island!

Stop Shelter Animals From Being Sold for Research!

Urge Sec. of Agriculture to Protect Elephants and Chimpanzees

Tell Congress to Prevent Future Flu Outbreaks

Tell Armstrong World Industries to Stop Exploiting Grizzly Bears

Tell Kraft Foods to Stop Exploiting Exotic Animals!

sexta-feira, 10 de abril de 2009

Ask The Senate to Boost Conservation Funding!

Tell Leading Climate Scientists, Industrialists and Negotiators to Stop Promoting Industrial Scale Biochar

Ask Ace Hardware to Stop Encouraging Glue Trap Sales!

Help Keep Animals and People Safe from Harmful Chemicals

Tell to Stop Selling Fur!

Urgent: Tell Congress to End Military Trauma Training on Animals

Ensure New Global Warming Act Remains Strong

Say No to Offshore Drilling in California and Alaska!

Mercury Levels in Seals Rising - Reverse the Trend

Don’t Let Alaska Become a Game Farm

A Call for a Global Whale Sanctuary Now

Use your buying power to tell the Canadian government to end the seal hunt.

Speak out for Alaska’s Wildlife and Coastal Communities!

Stop Military Bomb Experiments on Live Animals

Cutting Emissions is a Bargain - Support Cap and Trade!

Urge President Obama to Stand Up for Wolves

Help save millions of migratory birds

Don't Kill Urban Coyotes, Enact Stronger Urban Planning Instead

Tell Clearwater that you will boycott Canadian seafood until the commercial seal hunt is over
First time in Canadian History that a Senator (Hon. HARB) introduced a Bill to the Canadian Senate, here are the links to 2 petitions to support the HARB BILL:

Help Prevent Another Exxon Valdez Spill
Target: Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar
Sponsored by: Sierra Club
March 24 marked the 20th anniversary of one of the worst environmental disasters in history, the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
The memory of the spill persists for the fishermen and Alaska natives whose livelihoods were destroyed by Exxon's recklessness. The anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill should serve as a reminder of the threat oil poses to our oceans and coasts. Instead of opening the door to more Exxon-style disasters, we should be embracing the clean energy solutions that will keep our beaches and marine life intact and will help combat global warming.
Urge Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar to oppose new offshore oil and gas drilling in areas that were protected by the long-standing Congressional drilling moratorium.
Tell Salazar to Save Wild Horses
Why No-Kills Are No Solution

posted by: Heather Moore

Euthanasia is a touchy, emotional subject. Some people get upset because animal shelters and animal rights organizations like PETA must euthanize animals (many of whom are abused, aggressive, and otherwise unadoptable). People need to understand that a painless injection of sodium pentobarbital, administered by a trained, caring individual, is a merciful alternative to a life of misery and loneliness.

As long as people buy animals from breeders and pet stores and don't spay or neuter their animal companions, open-admission shelters and organizations like PETA will be forced to do society's dirty work. Every year, between three and four million dogs and cats are euthanized in U.S. shelters alone. There simply aren't enough homes for them all. Shoving animals into cages or kitchen cabinets, or warehousing them wherever else there is space is not a humane or effective solution.

It can be hard to accept this though. I once volunteered at a no-kill cat shelter. There were cages full of cats everywhere and countless more cats littered the floor, the kitchen counter, and everywhere else there was a spot. They were fed regularly, but they were starved for attention. The few volunteers spent as much time with them as possible, but between dishing out plate after plate of food, changing pan after pan of litter, and trying to keep the place presentable, there was just never enough time. Too many people came by to drop off unwanted cats (so many, in fact, that they were often turned away) and too few came by to adopt.

No-kill shelters may assuage our consciences, but they are simply not in the animals' best interests. They're often filled beyond capacity and cannot provide adequate care for the animals. Animals at these shelters often spend years living in cages with little human contact. Many become withdrawn, depressed, or acquire other anti social behaviors that further decrease their chances of being adopted.

Because of space limitations, no-kill shelters often can't take new animals in. So while a no-kill shelter can claim that it doesn't kill animals that doesn't mean that it "saves" them either. If "refused" animals are lucky, they're taken to another shelter that does euthanize. Others, however, may be dumped by the roadside, where they suffer fates far worse than a humane death by sodium pentobarbital.

Euthanasia may be unpopular, but those who truly care about animals must do what's best for them. They deserve a peaceful release from a world in which they are often abused and neglected. All too often, the only kind word or gentle touch a homeless animal ever receives is from the person who must end the animal's life.

Of course, open-admission shelters and groups like PETA wouldn't need to euthanize animals if people would sterilize their animals; adopt animals from full-service shelters instead of buying them, and push for mandatory spay/neuter legislation. To learn more about PETA's position on euthanasia, see To find out how you can help support PETA's Animal Birth Control campaign, and its mobile SNIP ("Spay Neuter Immediately Please") clinic, see
Tell Congress: Close the carbon pollution loophole!

Say No to Horse Slaughter
Or Visit here:
Stem cell procedure may help Utah dog

April 7th, 2009 @ 7:05am
By Becky Bruce

RICHMOND -- A Richmond, Utah dog struggling for mobility is getting a new leash on life, courtesy of a new stem cell treatment for canines.

It's not embryonic cells, but the dog's own that are used in the treatment. North Logan vet Dr. James Israelsen of the Mountain View Veterinary Health Clinic performed the procedure on Coty.

Coty with Miller's wife, Diane Bush.

"We have to harvest some fat from them to isolate the stem cells. And in her case, she's a thin dog, so we actually harvested a little bit of abdominal fat just from the front of her abdominal cavity," he explained.

Coty's owner, Dan Miller, says it was hard to watch his Husky, once capable of 40-mile runs, lose mobility. "Painkillers never really seemed to make a difference, at least in her stride, the limp in her stride," he said.

Coty went through other treatments, including glucosamine and even acupuncture, but they didn't help.

That's when the doctor suggested stem cell treatment as an option. It was an expensive option, one Miller says he was only able to afford because Dr. Israelsen performed it at cost -- a total of around $1,600 between his clinic's expenses and the payment to Vet-Stem of San Diego.

Dr. Israelsen removed about 60 grams of fat from Coty on March 16, 2009, and shipped it in a special temperature-controlled container to Vet-Stem. The company extracted the stem cells from Coty's fat, and then shipped it back to the clinic where it was injected straight into Coty's affected joint - an elbow. The entire process took about three days.

Miller says Coty's not showing signs of improvement yet, but Dr. Israelsen says that's not uncommon. He expects to be able to tell a difference sometime between one month and three months from the injection.


sexta-feira, 27 de março de 2009

Tell Obama: Ban on Torture Should Include Animals!

Take Dog Fighting Seriously

Save Freshwater Turtles in Florida and Beyond

Help Prevent Another Exxon Valdez Spill

Help Reverse the Bush Administration’s Rush to Drill the Arctic!
Critical Elephant Corridor in India to be Severed
Help avert a serious threat to the largest surviving Elephant Population in India – the imminent severance of the Muthanga Elephant Corridor in Kerala

Write Letters to Politicians and Businesses that Can End the Seal Hunt

End the delay
Limiting carbon pollution is the next step in the plan to Repower America and revitalize our economy. We need bold action from our leaders, and we need it now.

Help Save The Sea Otters
Please ask your Representative to help sea otter recovery by cosponsoring the Southern Sea Otter Recovery and Research Act (H.R. 556).
Call on U.S. Government to Halt Ecologically Misguided Support for Large Scale Biofuel

Ecuador: Protest against government’s decision to close down leading environmental campaign group

Nigeria: No rubber for tyres at the expense of forests and people’s livelihoods

Land robbery and murder for agrofuel in Brazil?

Mexico: European renewable energy companies threaten communities and biodiversity

Protest against fire-bombing of Indonesian village linked to plantation company

Indonesian community leader detained by palm oil mafia

Call on U.S. Government to Halt Ecologically Misguided Support for Large Scale Biofuel

Grilagem e assassinato por agrocombustíveis no Brasil

Soja expulsa os índios Guaranis de suas terras no Norte da Argentina

O fim do Cerrado do Piauí

Hidroelétrica Belo Monte ameaça rio, povo e biodiversidade

Call on U.S. Government to Halt Ecologically Misguided Support for Large Scale Biofuel
Fuel from food and already overstressed terrestrial ecosystems is immoral and unsustainable. The Obama administration must start by rejecting the proposal to increase the corn ethanol fuel blend limit from 10-15%.
Serious threat to the largest surviving Elephant Population in India

Since 26.02.09 1021 people have participated in this protest action.
Elephant in India Elephant in India

The largest single population of Asian elephants in the world, about 1000 individuals, is found in a 4500sq km area where the three Indian states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka meet.

The best forage is in the Tamil Nadu section but the elephants need to migrate to Kerala and Karnataka each summer when water and food become scarce. In order to migrate the elephants must pass through a corridor which is only about 2.5 km wide.

The major inter-state highway which links Bangalore with Calicut passes through this corridor. It is used by hundreds of vehicles round the clock. Recently a decision was made to relocate four different Kerala government check-posts to within the corridor. This would involve all manner of infrastructure – building complexes, housing, offices, toilets and dormitories for drivers, a fuel filling station and so on. Trenches are already being dug to prevent the elephants from migrating, thus threatening their survival. A suitable alternative site for these check-posts exists outside the forest.

Please help prevent the severance of this critical corridor.

More information about the plight of the Asian Elephants in various languages may be found at:

Protest emails will be sent to:

to the Chief Minister of Kerala
cc Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India
cc Kerala Minister for Forests and Wildlife
cc Kerala Minister for Finance
cc Principal Chief Conservator of Kerala Forests
cc Chief Conservator of Kerala Forests
cc Project Elephant, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India
Center for Biological Diversity
Dear Military, Please Stop Torturing Animals
Take Action: End Animal Use in Military Medical Training

Please contact your representative to join our efforts to modernize military medical training, which will benefit both people and animals. Below are talking points related to this alert.

Tell to Canada Government what you think about the harp seal hunting.

Tree Nation will send it to Mr. Stephen Harper, the Canadian prime minister (e-mail:
Please, sign this pledge. That CRUELTY will be stop soon.
Confirmed: First Seal Killed Today in 2009 Hunt
Rebecca Young

Canada's commercial harp seal hunt started today with a quota of 280,000 seals, only days after Russia decided to ban all hunting of harp seals under one year of age.

Baby seals are being killed on the ice in Canada as you read this - observers from The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) confirmed the first seal death just moments ago.

Observers from HSUS and IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) are in the air and on the ice, watching the hunt, recording abuses, and campaigning to end this cruelty once and for all.

You can help end the baby seal hunt. Thanks to a courageous Canadian Senator, there is now a bill in the Canadian Senate that would end this hunt permanently. This is the first time such legislation has been put forward in Canada. Sign the petition to support Senator Harb's bill to end the commercial seal hunt:

You can get real-time updates and on the ground reports from both of these fantastic organizations by following their posts on Twitter:

• Follow IFAW on Twitter with @action4ifaw. Their hash tag for this issue is: #stopthesealhunt.

• Follow HSUS on Twitter with @HumaneSociety. Their hash tag for this issue is: #sealhunt09.

Support The Historic Bill to End Canada's Commercial Seal Hunt

sábado, 21 de março de 2009

Victory: BOCA to Stop Using Eggs by End of 2009
posted by: Drew Wilson

Two weeks ago, we announced on the care2 causes blog that BOCA was considering going egg-free. Activists from Compassion Over Killing, Mercy for Animals, and the Animal Protection & Rescue League teamed up to run a shock-and-awe campaign of phone calls, emails, and letters. They mobilized thousands of people who buy BOCA products to call the office and ask the company to stop using eggs altogether. And it worked! BOCA has made the compassionate decision. By the end of 2009 BOCA will no longer use any eggs in their products.
This victory comes less than two months after was launched. On March 19, 2009 a company representative emailed Compassion Over Killing:
"…I am pleased to let you know the BOCA brand will be eliminating eggs in all of its products by the end of this year. We anticipate all BOCA products will be egg free in 2010."
By removing eggs from their ingredient list, BOCA is withdrawing financial support for factory farms that use battery-cages. They are striking a blow against the cruel egg industry. Whether or not you choose to eat eggs, this is a major victory for animals. This brings us one step closer to ending intense confinement of hens in factory farms.
Battery-cages are truly one of the cruelest form of intense industrial animal agriculture. Somewhere around 95% of eggs produced in the the United States come from hens who confined inside these barren wire cages. Hens are usually afforded only 67 square inches, that's less than the size of a sheet of paper. The birds can barely move, cannot spread their wings, walk, or dust-bathe. They can't do anything that natural to them. The cages are filthy and dead birds are often left in the cages for days.
Based on the ingredient listings online, it looks like this means that of the 14 items made with egg, 10 will now be vegan.
Please contact the company to thank them! Why not send them a care2 e-card? You can email them at For more information about the horrors of egg factory farms, visit:

Cook Inlet Beluga Whales Protected

Defenders of Wildlife's collected 13,000 signatures in their successful campaign to have the National Marine Fisheries Service list Cook Inlet belugas as "endangered" and protect them for future generations.
Monkeying Around with Animal Testing

Monkeying Around with Animal Testing
by alicia graef

Last week ABC Nightline aired an undercover investigation of the New Iberia Research Center in Louisiana by the Humane Society. If you missed it, you can catch the clip here. If you already saw it, then you already saw the tortured lives of the primates that are forced to reside there.

According to ABC, the facility holds over 6,000 primates and has one of the largest populations of captive chimps in the world. Primates are in already in trouble. According to Conservation International, twenty nine percent of all monkeys, apes and gorilla species are now facing the danger of extinction.

Those of you who are believers in animal testing should definitely take a minute to read Why I Take Animal Tested Drugs in the Huffington Post, written by someone with leukemia, who also used to work for an organization that promoted alternatives to animal testing.

"If the chemo drugs I'm trying now don't work, I do have one last option. I could try a Phase One trial. That's when a drug looks promising in animals and is first tested in humans. My doctor started to tell me why so many participants die in Phase One trials -- but it turned out I already knew the answer. Drugs that work in animals, he explained, usually don't work in humans."

Here's another scary example of a complete failure in animal testing in Natural News.

After the Humane Society's investigation ran, the Great Ape Protection Act was re-introduced in the House of Representatives last week. According to the Humane Society, "this legislation would phase out invasive research on the more than 1,000 chimpanzees remaining in U.S. laboratories, and lay the groundwork for permanent retirement of the approximately 500 chimpanzees owned by the federal government, including Karen and other chimps at the New Iberia Research Center."

You Can Help!

Call to urge your U.S. Representative to co-sponsor The Great Ape Protection Act. Call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 or check here to find your Representative and the Capitol office phone number.

sexta-feira, 20 de março de 2009

For USA only

The Cheap Cost of Coal is Subsidized By the Suffering of Others
Scott Pasch

Clean Coal? How can something clean destroy towns, poison the water and leave behind a toxic environment? The idea behind clean coal centers on new ways to reuse and store the carbon emissions from coal power plants which in theory sounds all fine and good but it does not affect the way the coal is obtained in the first place. Several environmental groups have begun lobbying President Obama this week in hopes to preventing the further expansion of mountaintop removal. Over a 100 permits are currently pending and if the coal companies are given full sanction, they will bury another 200 miles of stream in West Virginia and Eastern Kentucky.

Over 1,000 miles have already been buried over the last two decades. Killing these rivers kills everything around them. If you want to know why coal is so cheap it is because nobody pays the true cost of coal production except for the people and animals living near these sludge pools.

This process spews forth toxic sludge which rolls into the rivers in the valleys of West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio. If you think this is not an issue than the next time you go camping or hunting make sure you do so near one of these sludge preserves and let me know if your hand dandy water filter sufficiently cleans all the sludge out of the water so you can drink it. Or maybe you want to build a home near some of these now gutted mountain tops so you too can experience massive flooding.

According to the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition a recent 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling "would permit mining companies to conduct mountaintop removal coal mining without acting to minimize stream destruction or conducting adequate environmental reviews."

The Clean Water Protection Act (HR 2719) would restore the power of the Clean Water Act by prohibiting coal companies from filling up river beds with so much sludge that they turn into virtual graves for the rivers and streams and for all the surrounding life that once relied on that water supply.

Make your voices heard contact President Obama and the members of Congress to let them know you oppose new permits for mountaintop removal.

White House:

For district office addresses and more info on your Congress people, see:
PHONE: Call the Congressional switchboard at 202-225-3121.
EMAIL: Find your Representative's email at

Save the Bait: Protect Menhaden in the Gulf of Mexico

quinta-feira, 19 de março de 2009

Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act
Most doctors commonly warn their patients never to take antibiotics if they are not actually sick. Yet that is exactly what is happening on industrial farms where animals are given low doses of antibiotics over long periods of time to speed growth and to compensate for unsanitary and crowded conditions.
As a result, new deadly strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria develop in the animals and can transfer to people through contact with the animals, eating and handling the meat, eating food grown in contaminated manure, or drinking water polluted by farm runoff. Once the bacteria are loose in the environment, they can breed even more resistance that could balloon into a major health crisis.
On Tuesday morning U.S. Representative Louise Slaughter introduced the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act of 2009 (PAMTA). The bill would phase out the routine use of human medicines in livestock, except when needed to treat sick animals.

Stop Puppy Mills - Five Things You Can Do

The pledge to stop puppy mills!
Don't Buy a Puppy Before Reading This.

Stop Canada's 2009 Commercial Seal Hunt

A Call for a Global Whale Sanctuary Now

Urge the USDA to Revoke the License of Notorious Elephant Abuser

Tell Unilever to Stop Pig Abuse

Join Nigel Barker: Take the No Shark Fin Pledge!

Sign the Petition to Stop the Cruel Slaughter of Seals

Sign the Petition to Stop the Cruel Slaughter of Seals (Care2)

Tell the EPA: Efficient Cars Now

Take Action to Save the Lowcountry

Take Action to Keep TN Singing!

Show Me Your Solutions
Victory for baby seals in Russia!
by Rebecca Young

The global campaign to end brutal hunting of baby seals is working. Just today, Russia announced a complete ban on all hunting of harp seals less than one year of age, reports IFAW (The International Fund for Animal Welfare).

"The bloody seal slaughter, the killing of the defenseless animals, which can't be even called a 'hunt,' is now prohibited in Russia as it is in most developed countries," said Yuri Trutnev, Russia's Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology. "It is a serious step towards the conservation of biodiversity in Russia."

This historic end to Russia's harp seal hunt is a victory for activists and organizations like IFAW who have worked so hard to end commercial seal hunts all over the world.

And with the European Parliament's consideration of an EU-wide ban on seal products coming next month, pressure is growing on Canada to ban its commercial seal hunt for good. You can take action here to call on Prime Minister Stephen Harper to end Canada's commercial seal hunt now.

terça-feira, 17 de março de 2009

Protect the Rubicon From Off-road Vehicle Damage

Tell the Bureau of Land Management: Say No to Coal

Urgent: Ask President Sarkozy to Ban Seal Product Trade!

Speak Up Now to Protect the Carson National Forest

Protect the Blue River

Stop Palin's Attack On Beluga Whales

Roadless Areas on Chopping Block

Send a letter to Steve Owens and the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality

Send letters to county, state and federal officials
Send letters to the Yavapai County Supervisors, Senator McCain, Representative Renzi, and Governor Napolitano to urge their support for reasonable growth, water conservation and habitat protection measures for the Verde River.

Save the Turquoise Serpent

Urge Mayor Karen Fann to enact stronger water conservation and growth management strategies before resorting to water transportation. And before any such water pipeline is installed, the city alone or in collaboration with the other communities must provide a detailed plan to protect the flows of the upper Verde River.

Protect Panama's Red Frog Beach and Bastimentos Island

Save Panama Biosphere Reserve From Dams

U.S. Military Base in Okinawa Threatens Rare Dugongs

Preserve Tejon Ranch as a new Natural Park

With the introduction of a new, science-based bill to reduce greenhouse gas pollution, now is the time to push Congress to act on the global warming crisis. Please urge your representative to cosponsor the Safe Climate Act.
Edit the message below and enter your contact information. We'll send the message to your U.S. congressional representative.

Tell Clearwater that you will boycott Canadian seafood until the commercial seal hunt is over

All Countris are allowed to Sign:

Urgent: Ask Minister Gormley to Ban Seal Product Trade!

Urgent: Ask Your Environment Minister to Ban Seal Product Trade!

(Romania)Ask Your Environment Minister to Ban Seal Product Trade!

(Portugal) Urgent: Ask Your Government to Ban Seal Product Trade!

Tell the Australian government: Don't Compromise on Whales' Lives